

dinsdag 5 februari 2013

New adventure!

 Before I left for DTS (Discipleship Training School aka ‘best time of my life’) a lot of people asked me if I was going to keep a blog so they could see where I was and what was going on while I was out of the country. My answer then was no. I couldn’t see why it would be useful and I didn’t know if I would have the time to write enough updates. Now, after being back in Holland for two months, my thoughts about this blog thing started to change. I start to forget things that happened and I feel like a blog would be a great opportunity for people to see what I am doing and above all, what God is doing in me and through me. So this blog will be used for things I have learned, am learning, but also for new adventures coming up. I know I’m not done travelling this world with God, in fact my adventure with Him is just starting. And by this blog I want to give everyone an opportunity of being part of this adventure.

Another reason for this blog is the fact that I’m going to be out of the country for another two months in March and April. I will be volunteering at Tamar Center in Pattaya, Thailand. Tamar Center is a center that has a lot of projects towards the women working in Pattaya as prostitutes, as that is where Pattaya is mainly known for; its sextourism. I will be teaching English to the women, doing outreaches in the bars and going for outreaches to the villages in the north of Thailand. I am super excited about this new adventure, I know its not going to be easy as it is a hard atmosphere to be in with all the horrible issues going on there, but I know that God is travelling with me, and He creates peace out of chaos, and beauty out of dust. I hope you want to be part of this new adventure with me by reading my blog, leaving comments and by praying for me and the people I’m going to be working with!

If you want to be updated by email whenever I update my blog you can send an email to : lautje_wally@hotmail.com

Voor de Nederlanders die ook graag op de hoogte willen blijven van mijn reis naar Thailand, en het graag in het Nederlands willen lezen; ook jullie zijn welkom om een berichtje te sturen naar bovenstaand emailadres :)